Webster & Bennett Guards

Guarding vertical borers is of paramount importance in ensuring the safety of operators and other personnel working in the vicinity. Due to the nature of their operations, vertical borers possess inherent risks associated with rotating components, cutting tools, and moving parts.

To mitigate these risks, appropriate guarding systems are employed to prevent accidental contact and minimize the potential for injury.

Our TGS range is available with single or double curved, 500mm-high, steel-framed screens with shockproof poylcarbonate or steel mesh on request. TGS01 is a single screen and TGS02 is the double-screen version. The guards run on hardened linear guide rails with a diameter of 20mm and are fully counterbalanced, thus avoiding any manual handling issues.

The guard is anchored to the ground on a double plate. This system allows for final alignment on an uneven floor. The hinged side screens are manufactured and supplied to suit. Standard interlocking (supplied) is with a 2NC-1NO IP67 tongue switch. Solenoid interlocking is optional.

Webster & Bennett Guard Open/Closed Examples

Webster & Bennett 48″ Vertical Borer Guards

Webster & Bennett 72″ Vertical Borer Guards

Vertical Borer Photo Gallery

Quotation Request

If you would like a quotation for a VTL guard, please fill in the required information on the design drawings found here and upload it to the contact form below or alternatively email them to [email protected] and we will get back to you with a quotation as soon as possible.

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